How To Detect Your Cavities with CariVu

In recent years, digital imaging has provided dentists the opportunity to take high resolution images of patient dentition. CariVu is an innovative diagnostic tool that eliminates uncertainty from the dental decay examination process. CariVu uses transillumination technology to make dental enamel appear transparent, exposing carious lesions as clearly as possible. Dr. Herbert Birnbaum has been one of the pioneering dentist to integrate the consistent use of the CariVu cavity detection device to precisely identify new, developing cavities. Thanks to this, he can recommend treatments that proactively address dental decay before it can compromise the overall health of the smile.

Because CariVu can detect a potential caries earlier, preventive measures can be taken before full damage to the enamel and teeth decay. CariVu also allows monitoring dental health over time to see whether there's improvement or decline. CariVu is particularly adequate for finding cavities between teeth, even in the early development—thus treatment can be more targeted. On top of these benefits, CariVu is completely non-invasive and radiation-free.

Dr. Birnbaum believes that all patients deserve to enjoy lasting oral health. With the CariVu device, Dr. Birnbaum is able to provide patients with high quality dentistry tailored to their specific smiles. To learn more about the advantages of this treatment option, contact our dental practice today and schedule your next appointment.

Contact Dr. Birnbaum today at (617) 965-1400 or book your appointment for your professional dental checkup or cleaning today.


Caries Arrest with Silver Diamine Fluoride


Dr. Herbert S. Birnbaum Named President of the American Academy of Dental Science